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UX tips for low-code and no-code platforms



Low-code and no-code solutions are just as impressive and effective as those built by highly-skilled developers, even though they can be built in less than half the time and effort of their counterparts.

The design movement of low-code and no-code solutions are undergoing a renaissance as new innovations, and features are released to bridge the gap between what someone with little to no coding skills can achieve compared to a full-fledged developer.

Some of the unparalleled benefits of low-code and no-code platforms are:

I. Developing a wide variety of solutions ranging from mission-critical systems modernization to process automation apps without incurring high costs.

II. Delivering apps rapidly by using the existing talent.

III. Building solutions that are easy to scale on a cloud-native architecture.

IV. Breaking down silos to facilitate stronger business-IT partnerships.

V. Staying agile to respond to changing customer and business needs quickly.

According to Gartner, low-code app development will be responsible for over 65% of the application development activity by 2024. So, here’s everything you need to know to start designing and developing a low-code or no-code solution.

Low-code versus no-code platforms

Low-code solutions:

These platforms hasten the app delivery; by significantly decreasing the amount of coding required in the connections and user interface to back-end services and databases. The code output can be provided to the development teams to complete the app.

No-code solutions:

No-code platforms allow anyone in a company or enterprise to develop and build apps in a WYSIWYG, visual environment. Ideally, no-code development solutions include strict rules and guidelines in the dev process of the application. The process guarantees that anything the solution builds will be usable and runnable without any professional development to complete the app.

UX UI design practices for low-code & no-code platforms 

The following is a list of principles of UX design of low-code and no-code platforms that must be kept in mind when designing your solutions. By including these as a part of your design process, you’ll make sure your low-code or no-code product is integrated within the pipeline of enterprises.

Don’t write like a robot, but a human

Content is one of the most crucial elements to consider when designing a low-code or no-code solution. You need to ensure the label copies and error messages are meant for humans and don’t sound robotic.  

By writing like humans, you will make your users feel welcome. You can assist them in fixing their mistakes by giving them proper instructions. It will help the end-users get the ideal solution quickly to get out of the error state, making them use your solution.

Distinguishable CTAs

No matter what platform you are designing, you must understand the importance of using CTAs. This design principle is not only applicable to the development and design of low-code and no-code platforms but also websites and apps.

You must inform users of the most crucial CTA or primary action you want them to perform when using the platforms you’ve designed. You need to make the CTA visible by using contrast, color, or changing the size of the text compared to the other content present on the platform. 

Design for context 

When designing a low-code or no-code solution, you must consider the way users feel at a certain point in the overall user journey. It is also crucial to consider their location, emotional state, or if they are looking at the designs while they are standing or sitting. Other things to consider are the surrounding scenario, device type, and urgency.

When you determine all of these elements and carefully observe them, you will be capable of designing for context when developing a solution.

Simplify password recovery process 

People tend to forget their passwords, and it is an everyday affair.  It is bound to happen as there are so many platforms and apps that ask for passwords today. So when you’re designing a low-code or no-code platform, ensure to make the Forgot Password option easily accessible. You wouldn’t want your end-users to feel stressed out because they cannot remember their password.

Also, you can pre-fill the user’s username and have a much longer timeout session for password recovery. Then, let them sign in once they have reset their password successfully. However, don’t make the experience more stressful than it already is.

Furthermore, let users toggle and see the value of the password and reveal all the password rules when they are setting up the password. So, the users will be aware of what they need to do when they forget their password and wish to recover it.

Hierarchy is key 

You would want your end-users to have a smooth navigation system throughout their journey. Therefore, it is crucial to significantly invest in typography and follow a common hierarchy practice. For instance, you must not make the title text grey or small because you think it isn’t vital and the users are already aware of the title. Instead, you need to use the correct type size to indicate the importance of the information that you are providing your users. You can use two or three ‘type sizes’ throughout the platform. This will let users understand which information is essential and which ones are less important. 

Support progress bars with relevant data 

Users don’t want to feel nervous or anxious when using your platform. You can reduce their anxiety levels by including a progress bar with a clearly defined start and end, along with real supported numbers that have been fetched from the backend. Ensure that the progress bar doesn’t move in circles but linearly. It will be easier for the users to understand the progress bar. 

Design for discoverability 

To help those who use your platform reveal advanced features, you can use progressive disclosure. The learning curve will reduce if you use progressive disclosure, while the standard features or actions are visible at all times. 

Scannable navigation 

Does your platform have extensive navigation? If so, you can consider using user-friendly and simple metaphor icons to make the platform scannable. In addition, you can allow users to find relevant sections by utilizing an autocomplete search for your navigation. 

You must keep in mind not to complicate the navigation of your platform. 

Opt for usability over visuals

The usability of your visual designs must be tested comprehensively as the behavioral design. Therefore, when choosing between flashy UI design and usability, the latter must always come first.

Even if the design is top-notch, users will not use your platform if it doesn’t pass the usability tests


Low-code and no-code solutions solve the primary disconnect between the software delivered and the needs of the business. However, like any technology, enterprises must get full value out of it. The design checklist mentioned above will help you create enterprise-level, usable solutions to take your business to the next level.
Are you building a low-code no-code platform? Take the help of experts at Divami. Contact us NOW.

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