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5 Ways UX can Minimize Cybersecurity Threats



A customer’s journey is perhaps one of the most important focuses a business can have in the digital age. With a lot of customer activity and interaction happening online, the company’s website is considered the star of the show. However, with the popularity of the internet and all the wonderfulness that it offers, there are dangers. Those dangers can negatively impact the UX of a website and its interactions with the business in general.

It’s testing for businesses to create incredible user experiences while also keeping these experiences secure. Taking your eye off the ball for one second could be all the time a hacker needs to infiltrate and cause harm. Global attacks are growing year by year, with a 28% increase in the third quarter of 2022, compared to the same period in 2021. 

A business needs to be mindful of what additions it makes to the UX of a website. Ensuring these changes don’t compromise the security of the business and its customers, is crucial.

How can you minimize the growing threat of cybercrime yet provide customers with a premium website UX? This guide will provide useful ways of improving your website’s UX while keeping those nasty cybercriminals at arm’s length.

The intertwined relationship of UX and cybersecurity

It’s necessary to acknowledge that user experience and cybersecurity go hand-in-hand with one another. They are equally important and neither one should eclipse the other from getting the attention it needs in business. Why are the two so intertwined with one another? 

User experience is all about how the user interacts with and experiences, the product or service they’re using. It’s the perception that the person has of said product or service. Whether that’s how easy it is or how efficient it is in aiding their needs.

Cybersecurity and the threats that are everpresent in this digital age, threaten to sour that experience. It’s a threat that exists in any industry and doesn’t discriminate. A prime example of this threat is in banking. There has been a growing rise in bank fraud with nearly 800,000 US consumers reporting fraud complaints in the first half of 2022.

While banks are offering new, elevated experiences through their mobile and online banking services, cybercriminals are finding effective methods of hacking into these systems. What’s the solution to this issue? 

Banks are harnessing the power of AI and face-based biometrics to keep these user experiences online as secure as possible. They’re finding new solutions and developing high-tech software that helps with detecting fraud quickly. As a result, they can help lessen the impact on user experience and ultimately stop hackers from being successful. 

5 Ways UX can Minimize Cybersecurity Threats

Most businesses nowadays own a website and that site serve as a digital face for the company. It’s influential in client and customer acquisition, playing a key role in what is a larger marketing plan for the business. How does a business improve its website’s UX, while minimizing security threats online?

1. Focus on simplifying and removing anything too complex.

Any business wants to try and turn the heads of customers looking for something that they can offer. They’ll tend to do this in the most elaborate of ways to stand out from competitors. 

However, overcomplicating a website’s UX can make it more challenging to secure from cyber threats. Complex systems that are in place only provide attackers with more opportunities to exploit and infiltrate said system.

Sometimes, less is more. By creating too much complexity for the user, it can cause friction and confusion for those navigating the website. Try to simplify the website’s design and only add those UX embellishments where appropriate. Don’t get distracted away from the intent or core goals of the website.

2. Collect data that are only relevant and necessary.

Another significant change within the world of data is how it’s collected, stored, and used by businesses. With many data policies and laws coming into play, companies across the globe are having to be extra careful about how they handle data.

With that being said, there may be many creative ways in which data is collected via the website. From web forms and surveys created by SurveySparrow to tracking customer habits and behavior online. There are endless opportunities for data collection.

When collecting data, try to collect data that are relevant and necessary to the business. Too much data collection can put a bigger target on the back of the company. The handling of data should also be compliant with national and international laws in place.

Not complying, results in a risk of customer data being stolen or compromised. There are also legal and financial implications that can come as a result of disobeying policies put in place for the safety and security of customers.

3. Explore biometric and AI technologies.

When we think that technology cannot blow our minds any further, it goes and proves us wrong. Biometric authentication and AI technologies are already being utilized by many industries. 

For the average smartphone user, fingerprint recognition and facial recognition have been the norm for some time now. Facial recognition, despite it feeling relatively new, has been in existence since 2015 for smartphone users.

With a larger demographic using mobile phones to navigate the internet, incorporating biometric and AI technologies into mobile apps and sites, is useful. It can help simplify the user experience by acting as the password needed to log into an account. Speeding up a process is absolutely crucial in a society where time is valued highly. 

4. Educate your customers on internet safety.

While it’s paramount to look after the company’s security, it’s also crucial to educate customers on internet safety too. Why? Well, it’s integral to their own user experience on the website. If they end up getting exploited by cybercriminals while browsing your site, then that results in a less-than-enjoyable UX.

A few helpful pointers to give to customers on internet safety include:

– The importance of strong passwords

– Advising customers on phishing attacks

– Provide them with evidence and insights on cybercrime

– Regular blog content on internet safety

It’s essential to remember that not every customer is going to understand the technical jargon that comes with internet security and safety. Keep it simple and neutral when communicating this information.

5. Introduce encryption.

Encryption is the conversion of sensitive information into code that appears random, making it harder for data criminals to see data being exchanged.

When it comes to financial transactions made online, the use of encryption is a no-brainer. It also makes sense when it comes to improving a website’s UX for customers and any leads who may be toying with the consideration of buying the product or service on offer.

A person seeing the green lock at the top of their URL will be more likely to continue their shopping on the site. They’re safe in the knowledge that any information they provide on the site will be protected through encryption.

Fighting the ongoing battle with cybercrime

AAG estimates that there’s a victim of cybercrime every thirty-seven seconds. The presence of cybercrime is still very much present. Unfortunately, as the world continues to embrace digital transformation in all aspects of life, the threat of cybercrime will only grow with it.

As a business, there are a few extra tips that can be taken away when it comes to fighting the ongoing battle with cybercrime.

Enforce strict password policies

Passwords help to protect a layer of protection in between you and the cyber criminals. With that in mind, it pays to spend time tweaking and enhancing the password policy that’s currently in place.

It can help employees feel more at ease and the company more confident knowing they’ve provided everything possible to minimize the chances of data theft.

Train staff to recognize cybercrime methods

Training staff to identify cybercrime methods can help to minimize the impact that it has on the business. For those responsible for website design and UX in particular, helping them understand the modern approach many cybercriminals are now taking, helps them avoid becoming the victim.

Use the best malware, firewall, and spyware software

Not all businesses can afford the best malware, firewall, or spyware software that’s on the market. However, not having this software in place at all can be critical for the company’s level of security.

This software can help to monitor and flag any potential problems that may currently be in existence. Managed IT companies may also be useful to outsource in order to provide that round-the-clock support and prevention.

Improve website UX without compromising security

For any business website, the improvement of UX doesn’t require compromising security in order to achieve it. The same can be said for improving security without diminishing the user’s experience of the site.

Understand the relationship between the two and how they can co-exist together. Use these tips to help your business website deliver the best UX possible while keeping customers safe.


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